RRCA Club #299

Santa Fe Striders

Promoting Running in Santa Fe Since 1978

Contact Information

Club Officers and Other Contacts

President: Loretta Dodson - ldodson@ptd.net
Vice-President: Sheila Van Cuyk - svancuyk@gmail.com
Treasurer: Don Brown - donbo2@yahoo.com
Secretary: Jessica Wood - jes.wood@gmail.com
Webmasters: Max Sperlich - max.sperlich@gmail.com
Tiago Stock - tstock@tiago.com

How to Join

To join the Santa Fe Striders, go to https://runsignup.com/Club/NM/SantaFe/SantaFeStriders. Cost is only $30 per family!

Mailing Address

Santa Fe Striders
P.O. Box 1818
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Upcoming Events: